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Social Prescribing Day 2024: What Is It, And How Is It Changing Lives?

As we celebrate Social Prescribing Day 2024, we're diving into what social prescribing means, its significance, and how we at We Change Lives (WCL) are not just supporters, but active participants in this transformative form of care.

People we support taking part in a flower arranging activity at The Mews

So, What is Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing may not be a household term, but most people are aware of it's benefits, the profound impact it can have on people’s lives, and how it offers solutions that go beyond the reach of conventional medicine. Social prescribing is a way of connecting individuals to community-based services and activities, aimed at addressing personal and social factors affecting health. Whether it’s joining a local gardening project, finding support to manage finances, or engaging in a creative art workshop, the idea is to enhance wellbeing through connection and activity. This method acknowledges that good health isn’t solely the result of medical intervention; it’s also about our environment, our activities, and our social networks. The strength of social prescribing lies in its capacity to address the underlying causes of health issues, offering more than just a temporary fix. It fosters environments where individuals feel supported, connected, and valued, contributing to overall better health outcomes and reducing the need for medical interventions. This approach doesn’t just benefit the individual; it also has a positive ripple effect on the wider community and the healthcare system by alleviating pressure on services and encouraging a more community-oriented approach to health.

WCL and Social Prescribing

At WCL, our commitment to improving lives aligns seamlessly with the ethos of social prescribing. We've always believed that the best support extends beyond traditional medical and day-to-day practical care. Our work in the North West across services for the elderly, individuals with dementia, people experiencing mental health challenges, or those living with disabilities and acquired brain injury, mirrors the objectives of social prescribing. By promoting engagement in meaningful activities and personalising support, we help individuals navigate their journey towards wellbeing and independence. In our services for older people and those living with dementia, for example, we encourage everyone to get involved in the community, and engage in activities like music, arts and crafts. It’s not about keeping busy; these activities have been proven to improve mood, help with memory and cognitive function, and make a real difference in someone’s life. Additionally, for those with disabilities or acquired brain injuries brain injuries, we focus on what individuals love to do, supporting them to pursue their interests and live life to the fullest. And in our mental health services, we go beyond the clinical support to help people on their road to recovery and to achieve their goals, whether that’s facilitating a new hobby, finding a home, or getting back into work.

Why Social Prescribing Day Matters

Social Prescribing Day is more than just an annual event; it's a call to acknowledge and expand on the ways we think about health and support within our communities. It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate the achievements of social prescribing, share success stories, and inspire more people to explore its potential benefits.

At WCL, we’re proud to stand as advocates for social prescribing, recognising its critical role in not only supporting individuals, but also in weaving the stronger, healthier social fabric our communities need.

As we mark this Social Prescribing Day, let's reflect on how we can all contribute to a support system that values connections, activities, and community wellbeing. Whether you’re seeking support or looking to offer it, remember that through social prescribing, there's a world of possibility for enhancing health and happiness. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what it means to care for each other, today and every day.

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